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Renee Lopez

EPP Ambassador

​Renee Lopez is an activist, leading member of his church, and EPP Ambassador who found personal freedom while incarcerated. He is a loving son, committed partner, and compassionate champion for those who are struggling to survive beneath generations of pain and trauma. After 26 years of being stuck in addiction, including 18 years in and out of jail and prison, Renee re-connected with his true nature, and began his journey of healing and transformation. He is pursuing Enneagram teacher and EPP Guide Training certifications so that he can support and guide others on their journey. Renee speaks on behalf of EPP as an Ambassador, where he inspires and leads others to love and appreciate the beauty and complexity of what’s right about them. He is an avid cyclist and runner who lives in San Jose, California.

"The Enneagram has helped me to see me in such a clear way that I can honestly be in relationship with people, because I’m in touch with myself. 

When I’m speaking to people or just trying to connect, I’m able to say what’s coming up inside of me and see what happens, [and] get curious about what this will spark in other people, instead of curating what I feel is important…so they’ll think I’m the most fabulous person ever. 

To me, an Ambassador is showing up authentically in any situation as best we can through using the Enneagram and the EPP way of being... which is [focusing on] what is right about me. 

I represent the potential anybody can have…Anybody can do what I’m doing, but I’m showing what I’ve learned and what I continue to use in my life …that helps me thrive and not just survive

[When I did EPP in-custody]...this little light came on that said “You have choices.” It seems funny to me now, but when I was incarcerated I didn’t know I had a choice. I didn’t know that just because [something] was scary I wasn’t going to die if I got in touch with whatever was beneath the armor I had put on. 

You don’t have to be in a pit of despair to have the courage to take an honest look at yourself and be okay with whatever comes up. I feel like that’s the thing that’s constantly kept me moving forward. I’m curious about what’s coming up. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s not very attractive. If I can see it, I can recognize it, and I can work with it. So don’t be afraid to get curious."

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Renee Lopez
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